Representation of Segment trees:

  1. Leaf Nodes are the elements of the input array.

  2. Each internal node represents some merging of the leaf nodes.

    The merging may be different for different problems.

Sum of given range

  1. Find the sum of elements from index l to r where 0 <= l <= r <= n-1

  2. Change value of a specified element of the array to a new value x.

    We need to do arr[i] = x where 0 <= i <= n-1.

Can we perform both the operations in O(log n) time once given the array?

Range Minimum Query



from sys import stdin, stdout
input = stdin.readline
# print = stdout.write

# 1. the right most 0 is the index of current minimum value
# 2. we abstract the current value for all the elements to the right
# 3. Then we can do recusion

# To find the last index with value zero,
# we can use segment tree to get range minimum query with lazy propagation.


n = int(input())
array = list(map(int, input().split()))

MAX = n * n

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val, index, s, e):
        self.lazy = 0
        # for leaf node, store the value of array
        # for internal node, store the value of interval
        self.val = val
        self.index = index

        self.s = s
        self.e = e

        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class SegmentTree:
    def __init__(self, array):
        self.root =

    def build(self, array):
        def _build(array, s, e):
            if s == e:
                cur = Node(array[s], s, s, e)
                return cur
            mid = (s + e) // 2
            left = _build(array, s, mid)
            right = _build(array, mid + 1, e)

            if left.val < right.val:
                cur = Node(left.val, left.index, s, e)
                cur = Node(right.val, right.index, s, e)

            cur.left = left
            cur.right = right
            return cur

        root = _build(array, 0, len(array) - 1)
        return root

    def modify(self, s, e, diff):
        # add diff to all the array elements from s to e (inclusive)
        def _modify(cur, s, e, diff):
            if cur.s > e or cur.e < s:
                return cur.val, cur.index
            if cur.s == cur.e:
                cur.val += diff
                return cur.val, cur.index

            # note here [s, mid] is wrong because that 
            # [s, mid] may be larger than [s, e]

            left_val, left_index = _modify(cur.left, s, e, diff)
            right_val, right_index = _modify(cur.right, s, e, diff)

            if left_val < right_val:
                cur.val = left_val
                cur.index = left_index
                cur.val = right_val
                cur.index = right_index
            return cur.val, cur.index
        _modify(self.root, s, e, diff)

    def query(self, s, e):
        # return the index of the minimum of array from s to e (inclusive)
        def _query(cur, s, e):
            if cur.s > e or cur.e < s:
                return MAX, -1
            if cur.s == s and cur.e == e:
                return cur.val, cur.index

            mid = (cur.s + cur.e) // 2

            left_val, left_index = _query(cur.left, s, mid)
            right_val, right_index = _query(cur.right, mid+1, e)

            if left_val < right_val:
                return left_val, left_index
                return right_val, right_index

        val, index = _query(self.root, s, e)
        return val, index

def debug(tree):
    l = [tree.root]
    while l:
        next_l = []
        for node in l:
            print("(%d, %d): %d, %d\t" %
                  (node.s, node.e, node.val, node.index), end="")
            if node.left:
            if node.right:
        l = next_l

tree = SegmentTree(array)

result = [0 for i in range(n)]
cur = 1
while cur <= n:
    val, index = tree.query(0, n - 1)
    if index < n - 1:
        tree.modify(index + 1, n - 1, -cur)
    tree.modify(index, index, MAX)

    result[index] = cur
    cur += 1
print(" ".join(map(str, result)))

Lazy Propagation

What if there are updates on a range of array indexes? For example add 10 to all values at indexes from 2 to 7 in array.

Lazy Propagation – An optimization to make range updates faster

When there are many updates and updates are done on a range, we can postpone some updates (avoid recursive calls in update) and do those updates only when required.

Given an array arr[] of size N. There are two types of operations:

  1. Update(l, r, x) : Increment the a[i] (l <= i <= r) with value x.
  2. Query(l, r) : Find the maximum value in the array in a range l to r (both are included).



from sys import stdin, stdout
input = stdin.readline
print = stdout.write

# 1. the right most 0 is the index of current minimum value
# 2. we abstract the current value for all the elements to the right
# 3. Then we can do recusion

# To find the last index with value zero,
# we can use segment tree to get range minimum query with lazy propagation.


n = int(input())
array = list(map(int, input().split()))

MAX = n * n

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val, index, s, e):
        self.lazy = 0
        # for leaf node, store the value of array
        # for internal node, store the value of interval
        self.val = val
        self.index = index

        self.s = s
        self.e = e

        self.left = None
        self.right = None

class SegmentTree:
    def __init__(self, array):
        self.root =

    def build(self, array):
        def _build(array, s, e):
            if s == e:
                cur = Node(array[s], s, s, e)
                return cur
            mid = (s + e) // 2
            left = _build(array, s, mid)
            right = _build(array, mid + 1, e)

            if left.val < right.val:
                cur = Node(left.val, left.index, s, e)
                cur = Node(right.val, right.index, s, e)

            cur.left = left
            cur.right = right
            return cur

        root = _build(array, 0, len(array) - 1)
        return root

    def modify(self, s, e, diff):
        # add diff to all the array elements from s to e (inclusive)
        def _modify(cur, s, e, diff):
            # print("cur: [%d, %d], midify: [%d, %d], diff: %d" %
            #       (cur.s, cur.e, s, e, diff))
            if cur.s > e or cur.e < s:
                return cur.val + cur.lazy, cur.index

            if cur.s == s and cur.e == e:
                cur.lazy += diff
                return cur.val + cur.lazy, cur.index

            mid = (cur.s + cur.e) // 2

            # note here cur.lazy will affect [cur.s, cur.e]
            # while diff will only affect [s, e]
            _modify(cur.left, cur.s, mid, cur.lazy)
            _modify(cur.right, mid + 1, cur.e, cur.lazy)
            cur.lazy = 0

            if s - 1 < mid < e:                
                left_val, left_index = _modify(
                    cur.left, s, mid, diff)
                right_val, right_index = _modify(
                    cur.right, mid + 1, e, diff)
                left_val, left_index = _modify(
                    cur.left, s, e, diff)
                right_val, right_index = _modify(
                    cur.right, s, e, diff)

            if left_val < right_val:
                cur.val = left_val
                cur.index = left_index
                cur.val = right_val
                cur.index = right_index
            return cur.val, cur.index
        _modify(self.root, s, e, diff)

    def query(self, s, e):
        # return the index of the minimum of array from s to e (inclusive)
        def _query(cur, s, e):
            if cur.s > e or cur.e < s:
                return cur.val + cur.lazy, cur.index
            if cur.s == s and cur.e == e:
                return cur.val + cur.lazy, cur.index

            mid = (cur.s + cur.e) // 2
            if s - 1 < mid < e:
                left_val, left_index = _query(
                    cur.left, s, mid)
                right_val, right_index = _query(
                    cur.right, mid + 1, e)
                left_val, left_index = _query(
                    cur.left, s, e)
                right_val, right_index = _query(
                    cur.right, s, e)

            if left_val < right_val:
                return left_val + cur.lazy, left_index
                return right_val + cur.lazy, right_index

        val, index = _query(self.root, s, e)
        return val, index

def debug(tree):
    l = [tree.root]
    while l:
        next_l = []
        for node in l:
            print("[%d, %d]: %d+%d of %d" % (node.s, node.e, node.val, node.lazy, node.index), end=" | ")
            if node.left:
            if node.right:
        l = next_l

tree = SegmentTree(array)

result = [0 for i in range(n)]
cur = 1
while cur <= n:
    val, index = tree.query(0, n - 1)
    if index < n - 1:
        tree.modify(index + 1, n - 1, -cur)
    tree.modify(index, index, MAX)

    # debug(tree)

    result[index] = cur
    cur += 1
print(" ".join(map(str, result)))